Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Bowl and Doily Weaver Spider - (Frontinella communis)

The Bowl and Doily Weaver Spider is a member of the Sheet-Web family. The distinct shape of the web created by this species aids in identifying it. The 'bowl' shaped part of the web sits on top of a flat sheet of lacy web just as a doily (an ornate dinner mat) would. The spider sits beneath the 'bowl', but above the 'doily' while it waits for prey to get entangled. This seems to be an advantageous position as it allows it to survey its web as it gets some protection from its own predators. Once an insect is captured, the spider immobilizes it and pulls it down through the web 'bowl' for consumption. It may rebuild highly damaged parts of the 'bowl' in order to aid in ensnaring more prey.

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